Builder’s Risk Insurance

Ensure your properties are covered while they are under construction. Get solid protection from the ground up.

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    Insurance Cleveland is currently licensed in the following States: Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania

    Builder’s Risk Insurance That Fits Your Needs

    Coverage Options

    Builder’s risk insurance is a special type of property insurance, which indemnifies against damage to buildings while they are under construction. Coverage options include both property and liability coverage for your buildings or structures.

    Builder’s Risk Insurance provides coverage for:

    • Buildings or structures while they are under construction (including storage buildings, fencing, scaffolding, retaining walls, etc.)
    • Comprehensive general liability protection against claims of bodily injury from non-employees while on your construction site.
    • Equipment coverage to help pay for repair or placement of damaged equipment
    • Material and supplies used in the construction process that are damaged or stolen.

    Policy Highlights 

    • Protect the property being built.
    • Ensure all building materials and supplies are covered.
    • Keep the entire construction process covered – from start to finish.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How much does builder’s risk insurance cost?

    The cost of your builder’s risk policy is determined by the total estimated value of the completed building or structure. In general, insurance costs can be estimated at 1% to 5% of the total project cost.

    Do I need builder’s risk insurance?

    If you have a financial stake in a building project, you’ll want to be properly insured. Protect your business from the unexpected during the construction process.

    When does coverage begin and end?

    Builder’s Risk Insurance should take effect on the date when all contracts are signed, although they can be altered to choose a particular date. The end of the policy will typically occur when the building is handed over to the other party or put to its intended use.