Individual & Group Health Insurance

Nothing is more important than you and your family’s health. Get coverage for yourself by yourself or through your employment.

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    Insurance Cleveland is currently licensed in the following States: Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania

    Individual & Group Health Insurance That Fits Your Needs

    Coverage Options

    Health insurance covers medical expenses for accidents or sickness, on a first-party basis, and regardless of fault. Find the right health coverage for you and your family, whether that be individual or group coverage.

    • Group coverage is provided to employees by an employer or by an association to its members.
    • Individual coverage is bought on your own – not through an employer or an association – for yourself (and your family).

    Policy Highlights 

    • Protect yourself from unexpected, high medical costs.
    • Pay less for covered in-network health care.
    • Get free preventive care like vaccines, screenings and some check-ups.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the most popular types of health insurance plans?

    Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)
    Provides a wide network of doctors and specialists you can visit for a reduced rate.

    Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
    See physicians within your network, get a referral to see a specialist.

    Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
    Save money tax-free to pay for future medical bills.

    Catastrophic Health Plan
    Provides bare minimum health coverage, meant for those under the age of 30.

    What makes the Affordable Care Act different from employer-based health plans?

    One of the biggest differences is that individual and family health insurance plans offered through the ACA receive subsidized premiums, which reduces the monthly cost of coverage. You can only sign up for ACA health insurance during the open enrollment period or due to a qualified life event, such as loss of health coverage, changes in household or moving.

    What is the longest waiting period for health insurance?

    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) bans health coverage waiting periods of more than 90 days.